
Do You Have To Finish A Script To Register It With Sga

You've finished the greatest story ever told. At present how exercise yous protect your screenplay? It's a good idea to acquire how to copyright a script because, as a writer, the last thing y'all need is a legal battle. While Terminal Draft provides a link to WGA script registration, you might want to take it a step further to protect your piece of work.

Today, nosotros'll talk over the well-nigh ironclad way to protect your script. We'll tell you how to copyright a script to establish a tape of ownership and give you recourse should you ever get a victim of theft.

Hammering out the legal aspects the offset footstep in selling your script.

Do you want credit? Copyright your script.

But start things offset …


What is a copyright?

Acopyright is the proprietary entitlement to reproduce, publish, distribute, or sell whatever work created to be classified as an intellectual property.

In the U.s., the Library of Congress manages copyrights. Some examples of works that tin can be copyrighted are songs, poems, plays, scripts, and audio-visual performances.


i. Decide whether you should copyright your script

If you're like most writers, once you type the wordsThe End orFade To Black, you lot get a much-deserved feeling of accomplishment.

But the work is not done yet. You lot need to ensure your scriptstays protected.

Many screenwriters protect themselves by going through the WGA script registration service.

But retrieve, submitting to the WGA Registry is non the same thing as copyrighting your screenplay.


Wondering how to copyright a movie thought? For some, it starts here.

Even though many of the all-time screenwriting software apps provide a direct link to the WGA script registration page, truth is the WGA simply establishes a date of creation ... and nada else.

Yep, this might be the just protection you demand. It'southward certainly better than zero.

Just remember, a writer needs more than just a WGA script registration to establish ownership in a court of police.

That'due south why the commencement question isn't "how to copyright a script," rather, "is the WGA script registration process sufficient?"

Here are three proficient reasons why you should go beyond and copyright your screenplay:

  • First, you cannot contest ownership without a copyright.
  • 2d, you cannot receive statutory damages if a copyright is filed after you file a lawsuit.
  • Third, within five years of publication the copyright is proof of buying past date.

WGA script registration offers none of these guarantees.

Too, to sell your script you will need the official concatenation of title.

concatenation of title Definition

what is a chain of championship?

A chain of title is a listed particular guild of transfers of an intellectual property.

Copyrighting your script is the best manner to establish a concatenation of title.

And the conclusion to copyright should be a thing of when, non if.

If you are non submitting to anyone, then a WGA script registration might be fine. Also, consider doing the "poor man's copyright."

To practise the "poor homo's copyright," but mail the unabridged screenplay to yourself.

When y'all receive it back in the mail, don't open it.

That said, if you are ready to sell, then it is fourth dimension to officially copyright your screenplay. Sharing your work, putting it out there, sending it to agents, managers, producers, friends, relatives, strangers — it'southward daunting. A copyright gives you the confidence that you're protected.


2. How to copyright a screenplay

Don't worry, learning how to copyright a script is piece of cake. The first footstep is to head to the Library of Congress Eastward-Copyright Office website.


The website guides you to enter your name, contact information, and other details such as your user ID and countersign.

Information technology is of import to note that the information y'all provide on your copyright registration will be accessible to the public.

Once you prepare your account, you tin copyright your screenplay.

First, you will go to the "Register a Work" tab.

You lot will desire to register your script as a work of Performing Arts and Non as a move motion-picture show. This only happens after your script is filmed. (We'll get there.)

So, provide the information required on the application grade. Some of these include:

  • Title of Piece of work
  • Twelvemonth of Completion
  • Name(s) of Author(s)

Like we said, learning how to copyright a script is easy, merely at that place are more than than a few steps to complete the process.

Then don't forget to save equally you get in instance you have to end and come back afterwards.

This is what your copyright application volition look like.


The finished submission will show you lot every item that you've entered and will await like this:


Think to review this carefully.  A copyright is forever.


3. Pay the fees to copyright your screenplay

After you've reviewed your submission details it's time to pay for the service. You lot will be taken away from the Library of Congress site for this step.

Fill in the information regarding your payment. The fee is $35. This is only $15 more than WGA script registration and provides much more security. A small price to pay to have guaranteed ownership of your work.

Upload the deposit electronically and create a shipping sideslip for it. Generating the slip is not mandatory, but it gives y'all a digital receipt of your registration.



Companies like LegalZoom will handle copyright filing fees for you, merely at well-nigh triple the cost. You don't relieve coin or time, as they will ask the aforementioned questions.

You volition want your digital receipt on paw, as you will likely be waiting for your certification to make it in the postal service.


4. Wait for your copyright certificate to arrive

Be prepared, information technology takes a while receive.

In fact, information technology can take upwardly to sixteen months for the Library of Congress to get back to you regarding the web-submitted copyright for your script.

This is all clearly laid out on their website.

Yes, xvi months seems similar a long fourth dimension to copyright a screenplay. But don't worry. The claim of copyright is established the moment the payment goes through.

This means that fifty-fifty though you won't see the actual documentation for quite some fourth dimension, your script is definitely yours.

While you wait, keep writing.

Looking for a free, professional screenwriting program you tin can use right now, no strings attached? This is the option for you lot. Merely sign up (5 seconds) and outset writing your screenplay.

Screenwriting software - the recipe for success

StudioBinder screenwriting software is one component of the full StudioBinder suite of features. StudioBinder is an end-to-end product direction platform, so if yous desire to write a script and move into preproduction and production, y'all'll accept that option too.

With a few clicks, you can use your screenplay to machine-generate shooting schedules, shot lists, storyboards, and telephone call sheets. Build and manage production documents, share annihilation with your team, let collaborators comment and edit, and maintain all your contacts in the software.


v. Receive the copyright for your script

When you get to the mailbox, months after you have completed the steps in our how to copyright a screenplay guide, at that place will be an envelope.

You can open it and revel in the fact that the U.s.a. Library of Congress has officially recognized the material you submitted as your own.


Script copyright example

Congratulations. Your script is copyrighted!

UP Next

How to write an irresistible logline

At present that you know how to copyright a screenplay, your adjacent question might exist what to do with your copyrighted screenplay. The respond is elementary.

Sell it.

Of course, easier said than done. To do this you will need to package your script with a compelling logline. Read our next post on how to arts and crafts a logline producers and agents can't decline.

Up Next: How to Write an Exciting Logline →

Do You Have To Finish A Script To Register It With Sga,


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